Hi, I am Haris Shah

MERN stack Developer

About Me

I'm Haris, a Computer Science graduate and creative programmer looking for an opportunity to work as a MERN stack web developer. I love to bring ideas to life by creating a modern and responsive web experience.

I got inspired from playing video games to learn to code, It was not an easy journey, but it is worth the struggle. Learning to code was the best decision of my life. Now, I feel confident enough with my Skills where I can convert almost every type of design to code and make a multipage website. I have also spent time learning and practicing JavaScript (including working with APIs), functional & Object-oriented programming.

This is a modern & fast-growing industry. Therefore, I made sure to learn and use frameworks and tools such as React, Tailwind, and git & GitHub, to efficiently build websites using the latest tools.

Easybank landing page

Mobile-first responsive landing page focused on reusable react components.
Design by: frontendmentor.io

React | CSS Modules

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Weather App

The App is utilizing Open Weather API. It will show the weather condition based on user search.

JavaScript | SASS

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Time tracking dashboard

A Time tracking React app where users can Switch between different stats. The app is pulling data from a local JSON file.
Design by: frontendmentor.io

React | CSS

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Sunnyside agency landing page

Landing page layout challenge which is focused on the responsiveness of the website.
Design by: frontendmentor.io

JavaScript | CSS

Project Image

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a developer, have a question, or just want to connect.